Thursday, March 18, 2021

CBCP Pastoral Statement on the Year “Amoris Laetitia Family” starting March 19, 2021

Key points:

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia, the Holy Father has called for a Year “Amoris Laetitia Family” (19 March 2021-26 June 2022). See its website here:


Goals of Pope Francis’s Year of Amoris Laetitia Family


1.      Experience the Gospel of the family as a joy

2.      Proclaim the sacrament of marriage is a gift, with power to transform human love.

3.      Families to become active agents of the family apostolate: “an effort at evangelization and catechesis inside the family”

4.      Make young people aware of the importance of formation in the truth of love and in the gift of self

Proposals of Vatican Dicastery on Family on how to Walk with Families this year:

1. Programs for marriage preparation

2. Formation of spouses to be aware of gift and grace of matrimony

3. Formation of parents on educating and understanding children under current challenges

4. Discussion on the beauty and challenges of family life. Society to recognize value of the family.  Networks of families that help struggling families.

5. Accompany couples in crisis, form them in resilience, see challenges as opportunities to grow in love.

6. Formation on how to fruitfully collaborate with families.

7. Promote a missionary vocation in families. Time in the family for formation in evangelization and missionary initiatives

8. Care of the elderly 

9. Young to discuss family, marriage, chastity, openness to life, the use of social media, poverty, and respect for creation (cf. AL 40). Spark young people’s enthusiasm to commit to great ideals. Children to be aware of Amoris Laetitia Family.

10. Prepare  X World Meeting of Families with catechesis and training

11. Initiatives to accompany wounded families

12. In-depth study of Amoris Laetitia – to be aware of concrete opportunities

Family Agenda of  Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCPII) of 1992 (30 Year Anniversary)

- in harmony with above proposals 


·       A continuing education for Filipino families in accordance with Catechesi Tradendæ and Familiaris Consortio

·       Family Life seminars like Pre-Cana, Pro-Life, Marriage Encounters

·       Spirituality of Marriage with Filipino Elements

·       Teams to promote effective care and counseling of families

·       Families as countersign to antilife culture

·       Pro-life spirituality of the family

·       Programs for those in broken homes and families

·       School and family cooperation for formation in Christian values

·       Prevent exploitation of women and children

·       Formation of Filipino family in Christian values; Care after Marriage

·       Attention to homosexual individuals 


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