Thursday, January 21, 2016

FREE ONE-PAGE LEAFLETS: Evangelization Flyers Going Viral Worldwide!
One-pager posted in Westminster, England's Mother Church.
Download the full collection of free leaflets here (PDF). 

 The one-page leaflets found in this blog in support of the Popes' New Evangelization are starting to go viral around the world!

One leaflet was posted in the website of the Archdiocese of Westminster in London ("The Mother Church of England") and in the Corpus Christi Parish in Canada.

Irish priest, Fr. Conor Donelly, has posted some in Kenya and Fr. Jose Mandia has published some in O Clarim in Macau, and has translated one to Chinese.

Dr. Thomas Lickona, one of the world's leading experts in character education, calls them "an important resource for evangelizing." He is using them in his work in the United States.

The dream is for these free leaflets to be available in very many parishes and secular places like offices, condominiums, parks, stores, etc. In fact, Fr. Joey Mandia of Macau said this dream also has to be in Chinese!

Started with viral spread of Science Facts on the RH Bill

The work of spreading free one-page leaflets started with the Science Facts on the RH Bill which went viral. It was printed hundreds of thousands of times, published in mainstream media, adapted by organizations as their leaflet, posted all around the internet, and translated into Filipino and Cebuano.

Production of other leaflets went to higher gear due to the result of  our  survey in 2012 that the number one need of the Filipino is basic catechesis. This result is perfectly aligned with what the greatest gathering of Philippine Catholic leaders concluded in their Plenary Council (PCP-II) in 1991. They said that catechesis "must receive first priority", in order to avoid superstition, ideological activism, and an obsession with external forms without the substance of faith.This means catechesis is the first thing that must be truly first, and not second.

Spread in the Philippines, then from the Philippines....

The leaflets were designed to be easily multiplied by anyone. The University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) has distributed 12,000 copies from mid-August to Dec 31, just by leaving them in an open-top file box in one lobby.

And since anyone who gets one can make as many copies as he wants, they have been shared in offices and reshared. According to the Chairman of the MTRCB (Movie and Television Review and Classification Board), Atty. Toto Villareal, his stock of leaflets always gets used up. Dr.  Rudy Ibanez, former President of UNILAB, posts them in his Viber group which has people all over the world.

Don Bosco Makati, a parish at the heart of  the Philippine's financial district, is going to print them out for free starting this Lent. The parish priest, Fr. Renato de Guzman, explained that this is precisely their type of apostolate because the name Salesian comes from St. Francis de Sales who converted 72,000 Calvinists through leaflets since they rejected his visits.

Translation to Filipino has started. Mr. Arnold Morfe, President of Dualtech School and the Family Farm School translated one on the Mass. More hands are needed to do this work.

The latest news is from Mr. Joel Aurellano, a member of Servants of the Lord's Vineyard who discovered the leaflets while passing by at UA&P.  He called the leaflets "very potent  tools in promoting the Church teachings and in dispelling any misconception about such topics/issues". He has been spreading the leaflets all over the place through many organizations.
Lickona: Important resource for evangelizing

Each one a Catholic evangelical library and bookstore

People can display them and ask for donations, as UA&P does. Or they can earn for themselves or their organization by printing them and selling them with profit.

This is one way of responding to Pope's Francis' ever present challenge:  Each one of us has to respond, as best we can, to the Lord’s call to build up his Body, the Church. What about you?

Download the full collection of free leaflets here (PDF). 

Must-read: The Importance of Leafleting 

Note: The leaflets were featured in CBCPNews in an article titled, Leaflets help evangelization 'go viral'. CBCPNews also featured one of them, as a Catechism for the Masses.

ATTRIBUTION: Anyone is given permission to use the materials to bring about the new evangelization of society. Please attribute the materials to the blog, primacyofreason.blogspot, to enable more readers to benefit from the other evangelization tools in the blog. Cheers! 

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