Wednesday, August 24, 2016

MEETING POINT: New Vatican website with free educational materials on affective and sexual formation

Meeting Point: Project for Affective and Sexual Formation is the name of a new website set up by no less than the Pontifical Council of the Family.

It offers free materials which complement or aid the task of parents in chastity education. The materials are for educators who are educating 12-16-year-olds. 

The program has received a mixed response.  Cardinal Newman Society and Lifesitenews praised it for positive aspects including its use of John Paul II's Theology of the body,  but have also pointed out that the project is flawed.

In the end, the main basis of chastity education should be the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Sixth Commandment and Ninth Commandment. Also, the classic work of the same Pontifical Council on the Family, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education in the Family, which I have tried to summarize in the one-pager, GIVING REAL LOVE TO YOUR CHILD: an outline on how parents can educate their children in human sexuality.

Meeting Point quotes Amoris Laetitia to explain the project: "It is not easy to approach the issue of sex education in an age when sexuality tends to be trivialized and impoverished. It can only be seen within the broader framework of an education for love, for mutual self-giving.

It has six units:

Unit 1: I. Person. First step is to learn to look at themselves and define themselves as person. Accept their own body and see it as an expression of themselves as a person. 

Unit 2: You. Sexuality and personality. The meeting with another, with "YOU", helps the youth to know themselves better. They see that sexuality speaks of a difference: man and woman. Our affective dimension is also determined by sexuality. They will learn to recognize their affections and direct them to the order of love. 
Unit 3: I put my freedom at stake. The ME and YOU who enter into a relationship can relate in different ways thanks to the gift of freedom. The story of each person still remains to be written. Learn how to make our lives and the lives of others more beautiful, since it is in love that we learn true freedom. 

Unit 4: The misuse of freedom: sin. Important for the youth to see the transcendence of good choices. We help them delve into the difficulty of choosing what is best for them, and discuss how sin wounds the heart. Jesus is the doctor who heals our wounds with the best medicine: love. 

Unit 5: Proper support: morality. Morality is a help along the way, rather than a burden. The moral dimension is a constitutive part of themselves.

Unit 6: A true love. The last step is to discover love as a personal vocation, as an answer to a call. To recognize love as a path with different stages. Mutual donation of oneself in marriage; priesthood and the consecrated life are also a personal response to love.

The materials are a translation from an original Spanish text, since the main protagonist in producing the materials is the Subcommittee for the Family and Defense of Life of the Spanish Conference of Bishops.

The critique of Cardinal New Society can be found through this article here, while the review of LifesiteNews is found here.
Article in Crux:

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