Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jesus of Nazareth: the key question

What is the key point in Benedict's new book, Jesus of Nazareth, 1.5 million copies of which have been sold after only a month?

He answers it himself in the front and back flap of the book:

The great question that will be with us throughout this entire book: What did Jesus actually bring, if not world peace, universal prosperity, and a better world? The answer is very simple: God. He has brought God. ....

He has brought God, and now we know his face, now we can call upon him. Now we know the path that we human beings have to take in this world. Jesus has brought God and with God the truth about our origin and destiny: faith, hope, and love.

I'm more than half-way through the book. And yes, that is the key message. Everything revolves around God.

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